Why Hello There, Pink Aluminum Tree

First off, I hope all of you (US readers, that is) had a lovely Thanksgiving! And if you’re out shopping today, please be extra careful and courteous.

Last weekend Patrick and I attended the Plucky Maidens Junk Fest, a small but well worth while antique show. I’m always inclined to attend shows and shops I don’t often visit when it’s the holiday season because I’m always bound to find some vintage Christmas treasure!

The show was a combination of actual vintage times and created things and while there was lots to drool over at this show from clothes to chandeliers, I came home with several space themed Christmas ornaments, a beautiful dress (which is currently at the dry cleaners) and this…

Yes. It’s a PINK aluminum Christmas tree!! I’ve wanted one for AGES but they routinely go for $300 to over one thousand dollars. So Patrick and I didn’t hesitate (too much) when we saw the $225 price tag.  Additionally, this is my first tapered branch aluminum tree. The branches are of multiple lengths, instead of one length like my other aluminum trees.

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