Sutter’s Mill

Oops! Kind of forgot to mention I’m off gallivanting in California! Usually I do a little “I’m off! Might blog, might not!” type post, but things quickly spiraled as I attempted to wrap up a great number of things before heading south.  This trip is a little different. While the main catalyst for this trip to Palm Springs is Patrick’s annual business trip (which I tagged along on last year), my dad is tagging along as well for a much needed visit with our family near by.  The great thing about this is that we got to drive to California instead of flying. And it’s been quite fun so far. So with those semantics out of the way… I can now discuss the fun stuff!

So it should be obvious by now that I am a huge history geek. And I love going to where things happened, seeing (and touching when allowed!) objects that involve famous people or historical figures. I get some sort of history geek high off of it, I swear. So when my dad confirmed his desire to go to Palm Springs (which meant road trip!) we immediately began to discuss the things we wanted to do along the way.  It’s no secret that I love the old west, cowboys, and all that jazz, and with that also comes the gold rush.  The lure of “the color” brought thousands of people out west, and while I had visited my fair share of gold rush towns (as part of our family lives in one), I had yet to visit the exact place where gold was first discovered in California, so we put Sutter’s Mill on our list of things to do.

While this may just look like any ol’ creek, this is in fact the spot where gold was first discovered in California! And now you will see what true history geek joy looks like…

Yep, I’m a pretty happy camper.

Anyhow, we’re almost to our destination of Palm Springs and I’ve taken an obscene amount of photos of one of my favorite things to photograph, old signage, so be prepared for a post dedicated purely to that soon.  I’ve also bought a few things too!  There is also lots more history geeking out to happen! Stay tuned, dear readers!

T-Shirt: Jackalope Bar, Austin, Texas
Jeans: Classics by Freddies of Pinewood
Belt: Who knows! Probably thrifted by my dad.
Moccasins: Thunderbird by Minnetonka

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