Tracing California’s Orange Roots at the Citrus State Historic Park

The orange is one of the most iconic things about California. Southern California’s climate makes it a perfect place to grow citrus, and thanks to advances in irrigation, processing, transportation, and the addition of the Washington navel orange, California’s citrus industry boomed in the late 1800s, as oranges and their citrus cousins made for California’s…

Bright Eyes

Before we left for Portland we went out for tiki drinks for a friend’s birthday at Tonga Hut in North Hollywood (they also have a location in Palm Springs, and both serve the Mojave Punch, which is my favorite off their menu). And for some reason I felt compelled to wear my Shag Planet of…

Green Gal

A couple days ago Patrick and I swung into Elsewhere Vintage and their menswear counterpart Joyride Vintage for a bit of shopping. March is always a nice excuse to break out the green, and what says March and spring more than a two-tone green dress with little flowers? Outfit Dress: Ozzie Dots, Los Angeles, California…

A Horseshoe For Luck

It’s March! Which means I love wearing green and anything to do with good luck! And Match Accessories recently released their Golden Horseshoe inspired brooch! And since horseshoes are a sign of good luck, it’s rather fitting! The Golden Horseshoe is one of my favorite places in Disneyland, so I was super excited when I heard…

Knott’s Spooky Farm

During the weekends throughout October Knott’s Berry Farm transforms into Knott’s Spooky Farm, a family friendly atmosphere where kids can dress up, trick-or-treat and meet Peanuts characters dressed up in their very own Halloween costumes, as well as friendly spirits in Ghost Town. Yesterday, Patrick, myself, and a few friends decided to visit and it…