Behold! Garden Glory!

Over the last few weeks Patrick and I have been working on revamping our backyard a bit, including having fresh concrete poured to expand our patio. Then, scrolling through Instagram one day I received one of those oh so delightful sponsored ads. Usually I get clothing companies and jewelry, but this was for garden gear from a site called Garden Glory. And the photo…a pink garden hose. I immediately shoved my phone in front of Patrick’s face and said “I NEED THIS!” Shockingly, Patrick didn’t really argue, “In for a penny, in for a pound” was the attitude since we were in fact having custom concrete poured. We have two hose spigots, and one is rather prominently places in the new area, so a fancifully colored hose would be rather nice.

I perused the website a bit more, and found a few other goodies. Garden Glory offer a selection of very posh garden items, from colorful garden hoses, to coordinating gloves, gem cut spades and watering cans, to leopard print nozzles, a diamond ring bird feeder, and more. All of these are the result of a woman who wished for a white garden hose but couldn’t find one. Noticing there was a demand for something other than the basic green garden hose, she created Garden Glory. As mentioned earlier, our backyard has two hose hookups, so we ended up ordering two hoses, a pink one and a turquoise one, pairing each with brass nozzles, and matching pink and turquoise hose holders, and I was also in need of some new gardening gloves, and added a pink pair as well as a gold pair to the order.

Myself, standing in our backyard, wearing a pink and white gingham peasant top, blue shorts, gold gardening gloves, holding a pink garden hose that is curled up with a handle.

A table spread out with our Garden Glory purchases, a turquoise garden hose, a pink garden hose, gold gloves, brass nozzle, and turquoise hose holder.

Close-up of the nozzle, which is engraved with a curling "GG" and "Garden Glory" below.

Close-up of the pink gloves, which feature gold hardware of a broken heart, the left reading "LO" and the right reading "VE" inside.

Close-up of the various items, including a turquoise garden hose, with matching hose holder, gold gardening gloves, and brass nozzle.

Myself, standing in our backyard, wearing a pink and white gingham peasant top, blue shorts, pink gardening gloves, holding a turquoise garden hose that is curled up with a handle.

We are putting the finishing touches on the patio this week, including installing these beauties. And I hope to be able to share it all with you very soon!

Instagram ads, you did your job all too well. Have you ever clicked through a sponsored post on Instagram and bought something?

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