Bond…James Bond.

I was first introduced to James Bond at the age of nine. It was 1998, and my dad and I were about to head to Las Vegas for a NASCAR race and he figured I should watch something with Las Vegas in it (this started a life long pattern of watching movies and television that featured locations I would soon be visiting), and he popped in Diamonds are Forever. While hardly the best Bond film out there, I thoroughly enjoyed it (and still do), and it made me look forward to the lights of Las Vegas, and simultaneously got me hooked on James Bond. Fast forward to 2009, where I first saw actor Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Bastards, and I thought “My goodness, wouldn’t he make a great Bond villain?” And just a few years later, Waltz creeps onto the screen as James Bond’s latest nemesis! I was pretty excited, and Bond films always make me want to get gussied up, so may have overdressed for the occasion, but I didn’t care.

This brings me to the notion of being “overdressed”. Which, I honestly never feel is a bad thing. I was brought up in a household where you wore velvet dresses on Christmas morning, never pajamas, and dresses to the theatre (stage productions, that is), and athletic shoes were never worn at restaurants. While I do believe in wearing what you want, I also believe that certain places and certain people deserve a manner of dress. While I will fully admit that what I wore for Spectre falls into the category of being overdressed, I honestly didn’t care. Look, life is a runway, and for most of us, it is the only runway, so don’t ever fear being overdressed.

Coat & Dress: I don’t remember.
Purse: Red Light, Portland, Oregon
Necklace: Made by a friend
Shoes: Farylrobin

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