Vintage Valentine’s Day Cards Vol. 3

I hope you enjoyed a look at how we decorate our home for Valentine’s Day, and today, in keeping with the theme, I thought we would take a closer look at some of the valentines!

A little blonde girl paints a picture of a boy and text reads "I want to be your valentine!"

A pair of scissors cuts around a paper heart, text reads "You're just 'cut-out' to be - my special valentine"

A white heart has a yellow and green bow around it, text reads "Valentine Greetings"

An alligator wearing clothes plays the accordion, two hearts feature text that reads "'Accordion' to my calculations this aims to affirm that I admire you."

Within a large red heart is a grey cat with a heart shaped banjo. Text reads "'Play-up' to me dear Valentine"

A black furred puppy peeks out of a mail box with a card with a heart on it in its mouth. Text reads "Valentine greetings for a fine son"

A polar bear balances a heart on their nose and holds another in his paws. Text reads "I 'nose' you are cool man!"

A boy shines a girl's shoe in front of a large heart. Text reads "Valentine! I've 'taken a shine' to you"

A boy in cowboy attire lassos themselves with a blonde girl. Text reads "You can BOSS my RANCH dear valentine"

A boy holds a large heart and looks at a girl.

For a look at other years, click here!

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