Boys and Their Cars

Here’s another peek into my vintage photograph collection… Growing up with a hot rodder for a dad, I have a very strong passion for old cars.  Heck, my dad could be a series of posts, or even a whole blog. But right now, we’ll leave him outta the spotlight.  The point is, one of the subject matters I’m drawn to in pawing through old photographs is cars. Especially people and their cars.  I have a variety of photographs of people and their cars, but today focuses on boys and their cars.

Do you look for anything specific when sifting through old photos?

Other Vintage Photograph Posts
Clowning Around
Real Fashionable Ladies Vol. 1
Bathing Beauties
Trouser Wearing Gals
Real Fashionable Ladies Vol. 2
Real Fashionable Men Vol. 1
Animal Friends

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